Why does the colour of my perfume change?
Discover the mysteries behind this mysterious transformation!

You may have had this experience: your favourite perfume, which you've always seen in its original shade, suddenly changes colour. What is the cause of this strange phenomenon? Is it normal? Don't worry, we're here to help you shed some light on this olfactory mystery!
Why is this occurring?
The first question that usually comes to mind is: Why is the colour of my perfume changing? The answer often lies in the complex composition of the fragrance itself. Perfumes are made from a mixture of essential oils, solvents and other ingredients. Some of these ingredients are sensitive to light, heat and oxidation. These components can undergo chemical changes that affect their colour when they interact with the environment.
What are the factors that influence colour change?
There are a number of factors that can influence the colour of your perfumes:
- Exposure to light: The sun's UV rays can accelerate the decomposition process of the light-sensitive components, which can be the cause of colour changes in the fragrance.
- Oxidation: The reaction of fragrance ingredients with oxygen in the air can cause chemical changes that can change the colour of the fragrance. Always re-close your perfume cap or spray bottle after each use. This helps reduce exposure to air and the risk of oxidation.
- Temperature: Fluctuations in temperature can also affect the stability of fragrance components, which can lead to variations in colour. Ideally, you should keep your perfume away from radiators and other potential sources of heat.
What should you do if your perfume has a colour change?
A change in the colour of your perfume is not necessarily a sign that it's out of date or that it's unsafe to use. The change in smell is the most important change you need to look for to know if your perfume has expired. Here are a few simple tips to help you keep your favourite perfume for as long as possible:
- Storage: To minimise exposure to light and heat, store your fragrance in a dark and dry place. Store at room temperature (between 12 and 25%C2%B0C) or in a refrigerator.
- Use with caution: If the colour of your perfume has changed, but it still smells good, then it's probably safe to use. However, if it smells significantly different, or if it's started to deteriorate in any other way, it's best to stop using it.
- Monitoring: Keep an eye on the colour and smell of your perfume. Look for any significant changes that could indicate a deterioration in quality.
We have a little extra advice just for you... We generally recommend that you buy a 30ml or 50ml perfume rather than a large 100ml size to avoid altering your scent.
In summary, colour changes in fragrances are often the result of complex interactions between the fragrance ingredients and the environment. Although this may seem surprising, in general it is a natural and harmless phenomenon. By understanding the factors that influence this colour change, you can better preserve the quality of your favourite fragrance.